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Our Story

   Adirondack Way is a small family run maple syrup operation nestled in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York.

       Every spring we tap the maple trees with great care. We drill a small hole to a depth of half an inch and then a spout is tapped into the hole, releasing the sap inside. This process is very simple and causes no harm to the trees.

     A tubing system connecting the trees is utilized to collect the sap, which runs downhill to drain into stainless steel gathering tanks. The sap is transported back to the sugarhouse and pumped through a reverse osmosis machine. This filters out the impurities before it continues on to the evaporator.

      Here the final step of changing the sap into syrup occurs. Boiling at a high, controlled temperature, it is transformed into a robust syrup.

    Our Pure New York Maple Syrup is a beautiful amber color and amazingly delicious to enjoy.

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